Is a Blackhole Hot or Cold ?

Temperature of a blackhole:

Hey guys , for sometime I have been thinking how hot is a blackhole ? is it cold or hot ,if a blackhole absorbs heat it generates , it must be cold , but by compressing matter it must be hot, so is a blackhole hot or cold , I have been attempting to find a solution and I have been successful in doing so , here I will share the details I found out 

To know about how hot it is, we should know what heat is it's just a form of energy produced by vibration or movement of particles .

at surface blackholes is both cold and hot , its Cold on the inside while hot on outside i.e., accretion disk .

Temperature inside a black hole is about 0 degrees approx., as it is Cold cuz energy released is very less due to hawking radiation(as due to quantum fluctuation energy released is very less) so its basically cold , Personally I think its cold cuz if its black due to the fact it absorbs the light it produces same way it does with heat as it is a star, it produces heat as gravity is stronger its absorbs the same heat produced by it .

Temperature of accretion disk:

The temperature of accretion disk is however very high from a few thousand to several million kelvin.

Its because , When matter is attracted by a black hole and is pulled . Its follows a trajectory (its a path which it follows like a way to move into somewhere however this path is influenced by something , in this case its gravity), when this matter meets other matter they just bump and jostle around each other this produces friction energy thus lose their angular momentum (its like the spin of the matter , imagine having a ball spinning , the spin is its angular momentum) as they lose their angular momentum their velocity decreases however as they are attracted by the black hole (due to gravitational potential energy) , their velocity increases more than before even though it lost it's energy .So more the velocity, more the friction, so more the heat

This is how a accretion disk is hot and a blackhole is cold.

on the next blog we'll try to answer what is hawking radiation ???


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