Black holes are the most mysterious objects in the universe. There are places where physics is pushed to its extreme, where light cannot escape, and where space-time itself is twisted and even perforated, leading to the most incredible and counter-black phenomena

 The term "black hole" is a very recent phenomenon. The term phenomenon originates back when there were theories about light, one of which was proposed by Newton, which considered light to be a particle, while the other said that it was a wave. we do not know how it would react to gravity, but as particles of light, we know that light reacts to gravity in the same way as objects on Earth.



Black holes obey all the laws of physics, including the laws of gravity. Indeed, their remarkable properties are a direct consequence of gravity. In 1687, Isaac Newton showed that all objects in the universe attract each other by gravity.




 A wormhole is a special solution to the equations describing Einstein's theory of general relativity that connects two distant points in space or time through a tunnel. Ideally, the length of this tunnel is shorter than the distance between the two points, making the wormhole a shortcut of sorts. Although wormholes have played an important role in science fiction and captured people's imagination, they are only hypothetical as far as we know. They are a legitimate solution to general relativity, but scientists have never found a way to keep a wormhole stable in the real universe.


The simplest possible solution to wormholes was discovered by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935, which is why wormholes are sometimes referred to as "Einstein-Rosen bridges" Einstein and Rosen started from the mathematical solution of a black hole consisting of a singularity (a point of infinite density) and an event horizon (an area around that singularity from which nothing can escape). According to The Physics of the Universe, they found that they could extend this solution to the polar opposite of black holes: white holes.


These hypothetical white holes also contain a singularity, but function in reverse to a black hole: nothing can enter the event horizon of a white hole, and any material inside the white hole is immediately ejected.

Einstein and Rosen found that every black hole is theoretically paired with a white hole. Since the two holes exist in different places in space, a tunnel - a wormhole - would connect the two ends.




 in the 1970s, Stephen Hawking calculated that black holes should emit radiation when quantum mechanics, the theory that governs the microscopic realm, is taken into account. "This is called black hole evaporation because the black hole shrinks, just like a drop of water evaporating," explains Kanato Goto of RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences.

However, this led to a paradox. Eventually, the black hole will evaporate completely - and with it any information about its swallowed contents. However, this contradicts a fundamental dictum of quantum physics: that information cannot disappear from the universe. "This suggests that general relativity and quantum mechanics in their current form are incompatible," Goto says. "We need to find a unified framework for quantum gravity."

Many physicists suspect that information escapes and is somehow encoded in radiation. To investigate, they calculate the entropy of the radiation, which measures how much information is lost from the perspective of someone outside the black hole. In 1993, physicist Don Page calculated that entropy initially increases when no information is lost, but then drops to zero when the black hole disappears.


When physicists simply combine quantum mechanics with the standard description of a black hole in general relativity, Page appears to be wrong - entropy increases continuously as the black hole shrinks, suggesting a loss of information.

Recently, however, physicists have explored how black holes mimic wormholes - providing an escape route for information. This is not a wormhole in the real world, but a way to mathematically calculate the entropy of radiation, Goto explains. "A wormhole connects the inside of the black hole and the radiation outside, like a bridge."

When Goto and his two colleagues performed a detailed analysis combining both the standard description and the wormhole picture, their result matched Page's prediction, indicating that the physicists are correct in suspecting that the information will be preserved even after the black hole goes down.

"We have discovered a new spacetime geometry with a wormhole-like structure  


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