-Brownian motion is the random motion of a particle as a result of collisions with surrounding gaseous molecules

-Discovered by botanist Robert Brown in 1827

-Motion of particles can be usually observed by high power ultramicroscope


        doesn't depend upon the nature of the colloids but depends upon the size of the colloids

Cause :

         -The size of the particles is inversely proportional to the speed of the motion

          -This is because the transfer of momentum is inversely proportional to the mass of the particles. Lighter particles obtain greater speeds from collisions.

            -Molecules of dispersion medium due to the kinetic energy they strike against the colloidal particle (D.P). From all sides with different forces, the resultant force causes them to move 


                     Viscosity is a quantity that expresses the magnitude of the internal friction in a liquid. It is the measure of the fluid’s resistance to flow.


                  -The speed of the Brownian motion is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the fluid. The lower the viscosity of the fluid, the faster the Brownian movement.

                  The kinetic theory of gases which explains the pressure, temperature and volume of gases is based on the Brownian motion model of particles.

                    -This prevents particles from settling down, leading to the stability of colloidal solutions.

Makes the Colloid to be stable irrespective of the gravity



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